1) Background
2) Objectives
3) Methods
4) Results
5) Conclusion
Reference format using Harvard Referencing Standard system. All literature that put in references must contain in manuscript. Literatures prefered from the last 10 years, minimum contain 15 references (80% primary source ex: journal, proceeding)
First author, second author etc. (last name, first name abbreviated) publication year. Title (italic). Edition, publisher. Place of publication. Example: O’Brien, J.A. dan. J.M. Marakas. (2011). Management Information Systems. Edisi 10. McGraw-Hill. New York-USA.
First author, second author etc. (last name, first name abbreviated) publication year. Title. Name of journal (italic). Volume. Number. Page. Example: Cartlidge, J. (2012). Crossing boundaries: Using fact and fiction in adult learning. The Journal of Artistic and Creative Education. 6 (1): 94-111.
First author, second author etc. (Last name, first name abbreviated) publication year. Title. Name of conference. Date of conference. Place/City. Country.Page. Example: Michael, R. (2011). Integrating innovation into enterprise architecture management. Proceeding on Tenth International Conference on Wirt-schafts Informatik. 16-18 February 2011, Zurich, Swis. Hal. 776-786.
First author, second author etc. (Last name, first name abbreviated) publication year. Title. essay, thesis or dissertation. university. Example: Pratiwi R.D. (2013). Pengaruh Suplementasi Vitamin A dan D pada pengobatan TB Paru BTA+ terhadap Percepatan Konversi Dahak di Fase Intensif. Tesis. Field Epidemiology Training Program Fakultas Kedokteran UGM, Yogyakarta.
Authors. year. Title. Judul. Uniform Resources Locator (URL). Date of accessed. Example: WHO (2011). Global Tuberkulosis Control 2011. Available from: Diakses tanggal 12 Juni 2013.