Students’ Motivation, Learning English, Correlational StudyAbstract
This paper is entitled “The Correlation between Students’ Motivation in Learning English and Their Speaking Skill” (a correlation study done in the 8th semester of English Education Study Program of Bale Bandung University). The research was intended to investigate whether there is correlation between students’ motivation and their speaking skill or not. The population of this research was the 8th semester of English Education Study Program of Bale Bandung University for about 60 students from three classes as the population. The number of the sample was one class with 25 students. To collect the primary data, the writer used questionnaire and speaking test. The result of the research showed that the r-value is 0.591, this means that there is correlation between students’ motivation in learning English and their speaking skill, the correlation is moderate and positive. The value of t-observed t (to) is 3.517 and the critical value of t-table is 2.069 at 23 degree of freedom and .05 level significant of two tailed. As the value of the derived t (to) is bigger than the critical t (t-table) 3.517 > 2.069, the null hypotheses (Ho) is rejected, and the alternative hypotheses (Ha) is accepted. Stating that there is significant correlation between students’ motivation in learning English and their speaking skill of the 8th semester of English Education Study Program of Bale Bandung University. This means that the correlation between students’ motivation in learning English and their speaking skill is moderate, positive and significant. Finally, the writer concluded that students with high motivation will get better speaking ability and better opportunity to achieve their goals in learning English, especially speaking skill.