Jigsaw IV Technique, Reading Comprehension, Recount TextAbstract
The title of the research paper was “The Effectiveness of Using Jigsaw IV Technique in Reading Recount Text”. This study was conducted from 26th of July 2023 until 10th of August 2023. The objectives of the study were to identify whether or not jigsaw IV technique is effective to improve students’ reading recount text at the eighth grade of junior high school and to know student response after learning reading Jigsaw IV Technique at the eighth grade of junior high school. The method that was used in this research was pre-experimental design. There was only one group to be researched. The sample was the second-grade students of SMP Banjar Asri that consisted of 32 students. The instruments were test and questionnaire. The research findings were the value of t- that was higher than the t-table (8.492 > 2.042) so that the Null Hypotheses (Ho) is rejected and the Alternative Hypotheses (Ha) is accepted. Stating that there was significant difference in the result of students' score before and after the treatment using Jigsaw IV Technique. This means that the using Jigsaw IV Technique in reading recount text to the second grade of SMP Banjar Asri is effective. Then the writer found out that students like being taught recount text by using Jigsaw IV technique. It was shown by the result of the questionnaires that 97% of the students answered that Jigsaw IV Technique increased students' self-confidence. And 94% of the students answered that they like being taught reading recount text by using Jigsaw IV Technique. can be concluded that the students’ response after using Jigsaw IV Technique were good and positive. Because thought the technique able to increase students’ self-confidence, improve students’ reading comprehension in recount text, and increase students’ enthusiasm for learning.